Cesare and Lorenzo
We feel fragile, vulnerable. We find that our certainties clash against few years of life, or few months, during which we feel anguish, and hope, wishes and emotions we express to people close to us. During an illness we meet many people, various characters, various levels of care. And after, we meet “the angels”, people who can better understand the sense of a cure, the sense of a welcome.
During the long Clara’s illness, ended on July, the 16th, 2013, some “angels” materialized close to us: among them, Luana and Enrica, from home help service. Without them, Clara’s wish to spend the last period of her life at home wouldn’t have been possible. At home, the fear of death is mitigated by habitual smells, feelings, by the wish to have other time, but also by the certainty of forthcoming end.
Then, everything have another sense and another color: the cure paints of love, the words become sharing, acceptation, hope; the drugs become a way to share the present, rendering them more acceptable, with less pain and a quality of life as higher than possible.